Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) - Substructure

To complete the projects by ABC, PBES need to be connected on-site by proper connection details. Easily constructible and structurally-sufficient connection is key factor in successful implementation of ABC. A comprehensive, well-organized and live updated summary will help designers pick the suitable details for use on their projects, and constitute significant progress in promoting ABC. This webpage has been developed to present results of a literature review on the ABC connections that are currently in use, or are being studied for use. Currently, the website synthesize the available information related to connection details used on substructures in ABC. More connection details for other components of ABC bridges will be collected and presented in future.

To help designers pick the details for use on the projects, the connection details are presented on printer friendly summaries. Each summary contains the following information:

In order to catch up the development of technologies and innovations, this website allow to submit new connection details, such that the website is live updated for new technologies and provides most innovative information to designers.

New Connection Submissions

Connection Brochure